Found 215 phrases starting with R:


radices agere (De Off. 2. 12. 73)to take root.Rate it:
rami late diffundunturthe twigs are shooting out, spreading.Rate it:
raptim agmen ducereto lead the army with forced marches.Rate it:
rari dispersique pugnare (B. C. 1. 44)to fight in skirmishing order.Rate it:
raris ordinibusin open order.Rate it:
ratio acceptorum et datorum (accepti et expensi) (Amic. 16. 58)the account of receipts and expenditure.Rate it:
ratio alicuius rei constat (convenit, par est)the accounts balance.Rate it:
ratio et doctrinasystematic, methodical knowledge.Rate it:
ratio iudiciorumjudicial organisation.Rate it:
ratio or rationis conclusio efficitthe conclusion proves that...Rate it:
ratio pecuniarumfinance; money-matters.Rate it:
ratio sententiarumthe connection of thought.Rate it:
ratio, qua sententiae inter se excipiunt.the connection of thought.Rate it:
ratio; disciplina, ratio et disciplina; arssystem.Rate it:
ratiocinatio, ratiothe syllogism; reasoning.Rate it:
ratione et via, via et ratione progredi, disputare (Or. 33. 116)to proceed, carry on a discussion logically.Rate it:
ratione praeditum esse, utito be endowed with reason.Rate it:
ratione, doctrina (opp. usu) aliquid cognitum habereto have a theoretical knowledge of a thing.Rate it:
ratione, eleganter (opp. nulla ratione, ineleganter, confuse) disponere aliquidto arrange on strictly logical principles.Rate it:
ratione; animi quodam iudicioon principle.Rate it:
rationem ab aliquo reptere de aliqua re (Cluent. 37. 104)to demand an account, an audit of a matter.Rate it:
rationem afferre (Verr. 3. 85. 195)to bring forward an argument (based on common-sense).Rate it:
rationem alicuius rei inire, subducereto go through accounts, make a valuation of a thing.Rate it:
rationem alicuius rei reddereto render count of a matter; to pass it for audit.Rate it:
rationem alicuius rei reposcere aliquem or ab aliquoto demand an account, an audit of a matter.Rate it:
rationem belli gerendi mutare (Liv. 32. 31)to change one's tactics.Rate it:
rationem diligenter conficereto keep the accounts (day-book) carefully.Rate it:
rationem habere alicuius reito have regard for; take into consideration.Rate it:
rationes putare cum aliquoto balance accounts with some one.Rate it:
rationi repugnareto be contrary to all reason.Rate it:
rationibus alicuius prospicere or consulere (opp. officere, obstare, adversari)to look after, guard a person's interests, welfare.Rate it:
rationis participem (opp. expertem) esseto be endowed with reason.Rate it:
re (vera), reapse (opp. specie)in truth; really.Rate it:
re concinere, verbis discrepareto agree in fact but not in word.Rate it:
re diligenter considerata, perpensaafter mature deliberation.Rate it:
rebus divinis (rite) perpetratisafter having performed the sacrifice (with due ritual).Rate it:
rebus divinis interesse (B. G. 6. 13)to take part in divine service (of the priest).Rate it:
rebus ipsis par est oratiothe circumstances are described in language worthy of them.Rate it:
rebus maritimis multum valereto have a powerful navy.Rate it:
rebus secundis efferrito be puffed up by success; to be made arrogant by prosperity.Rate it:
rebus suis, sorte sua contentum esseto be contented.Rate it:
rebus verba respondentthe circumstances are described in language worthy of them.Rate it:
recensere, lustrare, recognoscere exercitum (Liv. 42. 31)to review an army.Rate it:
recenti memoria tenere aliquidto have a vivid recollection of a thing.Rate it:
recentioris aetatis memoriamodern history.Rate it:
receptui canitur (B. G. 7. 47)the retreat is sounded.Rate it:
reconciliare alicuius animum or simply aliquem alicuito reconcile two people; to be a mediator.Rate it:
recta (regione, via); in directumin a straight line.Rate it:
rectā (viā)straight on.Rate it:
recte, bene fecisti were right in...; you did right to...Rate it:

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A football game starts with a kick _______.
A on
B up
C off
D out
