Found 83 phrases starting with Q:


qua aetate es?how old are you?Rate it:
quadrantes usurae3 per cent (a quarter of centesima).Rate it:
quae ad victum pertinentthe necessaries of life.Rate it:
quae cum ita sintunder such circumstances.Rate it:
quae est vis huius verbi?what is the meaning, the original sense of this word?Rate it:
quae in philosophia tractanturphilosophical subjects.Rate it:
quae intellegitur virtuswhat do we mean by "virtue"?Rate it:
quae notio or sententia subiecta est huic voci?what is the meaning, the original sense of this word?Rate it:
quae suppeditant ad victum (Off. 1. 4. 12)a livelihood.Rate it:
quaerendum esse mihi visum estthe question has forced itself on my mind.Rate it:
quaerere aliquid or de aliqua reto hold an inquiry into a matter.Rate it:
quaerere tormentis de aliquoto have a person tortured.Rate it:
quaesītorthe examining judge.Rate it:
quaestio ad exitum venitthe question has been settled.Rate it:
quaestionem habere de aliquo, de aliqua re or in aliquemto examine a person, a matter.Rate it:
quaestionem ponere, proponereto propose a subject of debate, put a question.Rate it:
quaestionem poscere (Fin. 2. 1. 1)to get a question submitted to one.Rate it:
quaestionem solvereto decide, determine a question.Rate it:
quaestiones perpetuae (Brut. 27. 106)the standing commissions of inquiry.Rate it:
quaestioni praeesseto preside over an inquiry.Rate it:
quaestui aliquid habere (Off. 2. 3. 13)to make a profit out of something.Rate it:
quaestum facere (Fam. 15. 14)to make money.Rate it:
quam maximis itineribus (potest)by the longest possible forced marches.Rate it:
quantum ego coniectura assequor, auguroras far as I can guess.Rate it:
quantum scioas far as I know.Rate it:
quasi praeteriens, in transitu attingere aliquidto make a cursory mention of a thing; to mention by the way (not obiter or in transcursu).Rate it:
quaternas centesimas postulare (Att. 5. 21. 11)to demand 48 per cent.Rate it:
quattuor dies continuifour successive days.Rate it:
quem intellegimus sapientem?what do we understand by "a wise man"?Rate it:
qui arma ferre possunt or iuventusmen of military age.Rate it:
quī convenit?how is this consistent? how are we to reconcile this...?Rate it:
qui deum esse negatan atheist.Rate it:
qui imperio subiecti suntsubjects.Rate it:
qui ista profitenturmen of that profession.Rate it:
qui leges scribit (not legum lator)a legislator.Rate it:
qui magnum in castris usum habentveterans; experienced troops.Rate it:
qui per aetatem arma ferre non possunt or aetate ad bellum inutilesmen exempt from service owing to age.Rate it:
qui sunt a Platone or a Platonis disciplina; qui profecti sunt a Platone; Platonicidisciples of Plato, Platonists.Rate it:
quid (de) me fiet? (Ter. Heaut. 4. 3. 37)what will become of me?Rate it:
quid agis?how are you?Rate it:
quid agitur? quid fit?what is going on? how are you getting on?Rate it:
quid attinet? with Infin.what is the use of?Rate it:
quid causae fuit cur...?how came it that...?Rate it:
quid censes? quid tibi videtur?what is your opinion?Rate it:
quid de ea re fieri placet?what is your opinion?Rate it:
quid est virtus?what do we mean by "virtue"?Rate it:
quid hoc rei est?what is the meaning of this?Rate it:
quid hoc sibi vult?what is the meaning of this?Rate it:
quid huic homini (also hoc homine) faciam?what am I to do with this fellow?Rate it:
quid illo fiet?what will become of him?Rate it:

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Put the pedal to the ________.
A cretin
B gretel
C metal
D steel
