Found 351 phrases starting with C:


cachinnum tollere, edereto burst into a roar of laughter.Rate it:
caeco impetu ferrito have no principles.Rate it:
caedere et fundere hostemto utterly rout the enemy.Rate it:
caelestia(1) the heavenly bodies, (2) celestial phenomena.Rate it:
caeli asperitasrough climate.Rate it:
caeli temperatiotemperate climate.Rate it:
caeli varietasvariable climate.Rate it:
caelum astris distinctum et ornatumthe star-lit sky; the firmament.Rate it:
caelum or natura caeliclimate.Rate it:
caelum salūbre, salubritas caeli (opp. grave, gravitas)healthy climate.Rate it:
caelum tonitru contremitthe heavens are shaken by the thunder.Rate it:
calamitate doctusschooled by adversity.Rate it:
calamitatem accipere, subireto suffer mishap.Rate it:
calamitatem haurireto drain the cup of sorrow.Rate it:
calamitatem, pestem inferre alicuito bring mishap, ruin on a person.Rate it:
calamitatibus affligito be the victim of misfortune.Rate it:
calamitatibus defungito come to the end of one's troubles.Rate it:
calamitatibus obruito be overwhelmed with misfortune.Rate it:
calcaria alicui adhibere, admovere; stimulos alicui admovereto spur, urge a person on.Rate it:
calcaria subdere equoto put spurs to a horse.Rate it:
calcaribus equum concitareto put spurs to a horse.Rate it:
callum obducere dolori (Tusc. 2. 15. 36)to render insensible to pain.Rate it:
calor se frangit (opp. increscit)the heat is abating.Rate it:
calumniae litium (Mil. 27. 74)chicanery (specially of wrongfully accusing an innocent man).Rate it:
canticuma choric ode.Rate it:
capere aliquem vivumto take a person alive.Rate it:
capere equosto capture horses.Rate it:
capere, occupare locumto occupy a position (with troops).Rate it:
capilli compti, compositi (opp. horridi)well-ordered, well-brushed hair.Rate it:
capilli horrenthis hair stands on end.Rate it:
capita conferre (Liv. 2. 45)to put our heads together.Rate it:
capitali odio dissidere ab aliquo (De Am. 1. 2)to be separated by a deadly hatred.Rate it:
capite aperto (opp. operto)bare-headed.Rate it:
capite obvolutowith head covered.Rate it:
capitis absolvere aliquemto repeal a death-sentence passed on a person.Rate it:
capitis or capite damnare aliquemto condemn some one to death.Rate it:
captivos permutare, commutareto exchange prisoners.Rate it:
captivos redimere (Off. 2. 18)to ransom prisoners.Rate it:
captivos sine pretio reddereto restore prisoners without ransom.Rate it:
caput alicuius agitur (vid. sect. V. 8)a person's life is in jeopardy.Rate it:
caput aperire (opp. operire)to uncover one's head.Rate it:
caput cenae (Fin. 2. 8. 25)the main dish.Rate it:
caput demittereto bow one's head.Rate it:
caput parieti impingereto strike one's head against the wall.Rate it:
caput praecīdereto cut off a man's head.Rate it:
caritas annonae (opp. vilitas), also simply annonadearth of corn; high prices.Rate it:
carmen chori, canticuma choric ode in a tragedy.Rate it:
carmen epicumepic poetry.Rate it:
carmen incondituma rough poem; an extempore effusion.Rate it:
carmen pronuntiareto recite a piece of verse (without gestures).Rate it:

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