Found 1,092 phrases starting with A:

a brand new mea 'lotta baloney'a bad carpenter bla…
a bad penny always …a bad penny always …a bad workman alway…
a bean countera bed of nailsa big blow hard
a bird in the hand …a bird may love a f…a bird of ill-omen
a bird of passagea bit iffya bit much
a bleeding hearta blessing and a cu…a blind squirrel fi…
a boon and a banea boon or a banea breeze
a bridge too fara bright futurea camel is a horse …
a camel is a horse …a carpet-baggera cat can look at a…
a cat in gloves cat…a cat may look at a…a cauliflower ear
a chain is only as …a chip on your shou…a closed mouth gath…
a cloud of uncertai…a codpiece for the …a cold day in hell
a cold day in Julya conniption fita cut above
a cut belowa cut dog ain't got…a dark horse
a day late and a do…a day late and a do…a devil-may-care at…
a different ballparka dime a dozena dime's worth
a drop in the bucketa drop in the oceana drowning man will…
a dumb priest never…a fair seasona few bulbs short o…
a few sandwiches sh…a flag should norma…a fly by night
a fly in the ointme…a fool and his mone…a fools' paradise
a force for gooda force of ha ita force to reckon w…
a fresh fucked fox …a friend in need is…a gentleman and a s…
a goal without a pl…a golden key can op…a good beginning ma…
a good deala good deala good man is hard …
a good voice to beg…a goose has wandere…a great deal
a hail marya hair's breadtha hit dog will holla
a hornet's nes…a horny handed son …a hot potato
a hot potatoa house divided aga…a house is not a ho…
a hundred and ten p…a hundred and ten p…a into g
a journey of a thou…a la cartea leopard cannot ch…
a lie comes back so…a lie has no legsa life of its own
a lifeboata lifestyle overhaula little bird told …
a little bit of bre…a little from colum…a little knowledge …
a load of old codsw…a load of shita lot
a lota lota lot
a lot of malarkeya magician never re…a magician never re…
a man hasn’t lost w…a man is known by t…a man's home is his…
a man/woman after y…a marathon is not a…a method to one’s m…
a million timesa miss is as good a…a morning bird
a needle in a hayst…a new broom sweeps …a nod is as good as…
a notch abovea number ofa page turner
a party animala penny saved is a …a penny saved is a …
a pick-upa picture is worth …a picture paints a …
a pig might have a …a pint’s a pound th…a plain jane
a pull of the hair …a purple patcha pyrrhic victory
a question ofa quick drop and a …a real hotdogger
a real knock out!a riddle wrapped up…a rising tide lifts…
a risk takera Roland for an Oli…a rolling stone gat…
a scholar and a gen…a seat of learninga sense of belonging
a shit loada short drop and a …a side glance!
a sideways approacha silver lining is …a smoke screen
a spoonful of sugar…a stich in time sav…a stitch in time sa…
a stopped clock is …a stormy petrela story written is …
a tear jerkera thing of beauty i…a Tinkers Damn
a vicious circlea watched kettle ne…a watched pot never…
a week from next Tu…a week from next Tu…a week is a long ti…
a whoppera whopper-doopera wild goose never …
a wrench in the wor…a.o.b.a/the picture of he…
aabyAaron's beardAaron's beard
Aaron's beardAaron's beardAaron's beard
Aaron's beardAbbot's PrioryABC
ABCABCabide by
abide byabide withable for
able seamanable to get a word …abominable snowman
abound inabound withabout home
about timeabout timeabout to
about turnabout turnabout us
above and beyondabove and beyond th…above board
above one's bendabove one's stationabove par
above parabove parabove the curve
above the foldabove the lawabove the salt
above waterabsence makes the h…absent minded
absente reoabsolutely taxingabsorb oneself in
absque hocabsque impetitione …abstemious in
abstract awayabstract awayabstract idea
abstract ideaabstract nonsenseabstract verb
abstract verbabuse of distressabut on
academy awardaccident of birthaccident waiting to…
accidentally on pur…according toaccording to
according toaccording toaccording to
according to Cockeraccording to hoyleaccount for
account ofaccount toaccredit with
ACDNRace in the holeace into
ace of spadesace outace out
ace up one's sleeveAce up Your Sleeveaces in my book
ache forachilles' heelacid drop
acid testacid testack ack
acknowledge the cornacquired tasteacquired taste
across the boardacross the boardacross the pond
act as tourch beareract inact like a bull in …
act of Congressact onact one's age
act outact outact up
act upact up toact upon
acting funnyactions speak loude…activist judge
activist justiceactors more & s…acts of violence
ad fontesad infinitumad infinitum
ad nauseamad valoremAdam and Eve not Ad…
Adam Tileradams aleadd fuel to fire
add fuel to the fireAdd Fuel to the Fireadd insult to injury
add oiladd onadd up
add upadd upadd up to
add-onadding machineaddle pate
adds upadhocadmiral of the blue
admire toadopt a positive ag…adopt out
adopt outadrenaline junkieadroit
Afraid of Your Own …after allafter all
after all is said a…after one's own hea…after Saturday come…
after Saturday come…after the factafter the jump
after the Lord Mayo…after youafter you, Alphonse
again and againagainst all oddsagainst the clock
against the clockagainst the collaragainst the grain
against the grainagainst the grainagainst the law
against the lawagainst the run of …against the world
age before beautyage outage out
agree to disagreeagree withagree with
agreement in princi…aha momentahead of one's time
ahead of the curveahead of the curveahead of the curve
ahead of the gameAICMFPaide-de-camp
aim ataim toaim to
ain't that som…ain't no hill for a…ain't no mountain h…
AINECair bagair bed
air commodoreair one's dirty lau…air out
air outair rageAir Your Dirty Laun…
airmailairs and gracesAITYD
AKICIFal-frescoalarm bell
alarm bellalarums and excursi…alarums and excursi…
albatross around on…Albatross Around Yo…albatross round one…
ale postalive and kickingall aboard
all alongall and someall and sundry
all and sundryall at onceall at once
all bark and no biteall bets are offall but
all butall cats are gray a…all cats are gray i…
all cats are grey a…all cats are grey b…all cats are grey i…
all clearall correctall correct
all dressedall dressed up and …all duck or no dinn…
all earsall earsAll Ears
all eyesall eyesall eyes
all eyes and earsall fired upall for naught
all fur coat and no…all goodall good things com…
all hands on deck!all hat and no catt…all hat, no cattle
all hell breaks loo…all hell broke looseall holiday
all hollowall hollowall important
all inall inall in a day's work
all in allall in allall it's cracked up…
all kidding asideall mouth and no tr…all mouth and trous…
all nationsall of a suddenall of a sudden
all of one's taste …all of the suddenall one's eggs in o…
all one's eggs in o…all one's life's wo…all one's taste is …
all outall outall over
all over but the sh…all over grumbleall over grumble
all over hell's hal…all over oneselfall over the board
all over the mapall over the placeall over the place
all over the place …all over the shopall over with
all piss and wind l…all right, my loverall rights reserved
all roads lead to r…all rounderall set
all sixes and ninesall sizzle and no s…all sizzle and no s…
all smoke and no fi…all starall students take c…
all systems goall talk and no act…all talk and no cid…
all thatall that and a bag …all that glisters i…
all that glitters i…All that Glitters i…all that jazz
all the marblesall the rageall the same
all the tea in chinaall the timeall the time
all the way to eger…all the whileall the world's a s…
all thereall thereall things being eq…
all things come to …all things consider…all things to all p…
all thumbsAll Thumbsall to smash
all to the betterall toldall very well
all very wellall walks of lifeall washed-up
all well and goodall wetall wet
all wool and a yard…all work and no pla…all y'all
all y'all'sall your base are b…all's fair in love …
all's oneall's well that end…all-a-mort
all-a-mortall-conqueringall-out brawl
all-over oneselfalles anderes ist M…allow for
alma materalmighty dollaralmost doesn't count
almost went into a …alone in a crowdalong about
along the linesalright me babberalright me lover
alright my babberalright my loveralso known as
also ranAlso-Ranalternative facts
aluminum showeraluminum showeraluminum shower
aluminum showeralways a bridesmaid…always be yourself
always late and a p…always the bridesma…am I right
am i right or am i …am I under arrestam scray
amana amanaamateur hourambassador of Moroc…
amber gambleramber nectaramen curler
amen to that!American as apple p…American Dream
American Dreaman apple a day keep…an apple for the te…
an army marches on …an awesome teacheran axe to grind
an englishman's hom…an explosion of fla…an insult to one is…
an offer one can't …an offer one can't …an old fuddy, duddy
an ounce of prevent…an umbrella policyanaconda mortgage
analysis paralysisancient historyancient history
and alland alland all
and all thatand all the rest of…and all this
and be done with itand changeand counting
and crapand don't play one …and finally
and his motherand howand shit
and so forthand so onand that
and thatand the horse you r…and the horse you r…
and the likeand then someand then there were…
and whatnotand your little dog…angapooay problema
angel passesangel's advocateangle for
angle for farthingsangle of attackangle of attack
angle of attackankle socksanother country hea…
another day, anothe…another nail in one…another one in the …
another string to o…answer backanswer back
answer backanswer foranswer for
answer for!answer on a postcardanswer to
answer toanswer toanswer to
ante inante upante up
ants in my pantsants in one's pantsants in one's pants
Ants in Your Pantsany fule knoany more for any mo…
any nook or crannyany oldany old
any old nook or cra…any old thingany other business
any port in a stormany press is good p…any time now
any time soonany way one slices …anybody who is anyb…
anyone can make art…anyone's guessanything goes
anything goesAOBAOB
apa sâmbeteiAPDTAAPDTA
APDTAape leaderapothecary's Latin
Appendix:Glossary o…Appendix:Glossary o…Appendix:Glossary o…
Appendix:Glossary o…Appendix:Glossary o…Appendix:Harry Pott…
Appendix:Snowclones…Appendix:Star Wars/…apple does not fall…
apple does not fall…apple does not fall…apple dumplin shop
apple never falls f…apple of somebody's…apple of someone's …
Apple of Your Eyeapples and orangesapply oneself
april showers bring…apron stringapron string
apron string holdapron-string holdapropos of nothing
apropos of nothingarc uparch dell
arch doxyare you a man or a …are you allergic to…
are you blindare you blindare you deaf
are you deafare you doing anyth…are you feeling bet…
are you for real?are you marriedare you OK
are you religiousare you singleare you taking any …
are you taking any …are your ears burni…area of influence
area of influenceARFARF
argle-bargle morble…argue downargue down
argue downargue downargue out
argue round and rou…ark at eeark at ee
ark ruffianarm and a legarm candy
arm to the teetharm uparm's length
arm's lengtharm's lengtharmchair quarterback
armed forcesarmoured cararmy volunteer
around robin hood's…around robin hood's…around the bend
around the clockaround the corneraround the Horn
around the Hornaround the hornarrive at
arrows in your quiv…arse aboutarse about
arse aboutarse about facearse around
arse end of nowherearse has gone clean…arse has gone out o…
arse has gone right…arse is clean out o…arse is gone right …
arse is out of 'erarse is right out o…arse over tip
arse over titarsy varseyarsy varsy
arsy versyart classart college
art imitates lifeart schoolartful dodger
artful dodgeras a dog returns to…as a rule
as a ruleas a wholeas above, so below
as agile as a monkeyas agile as a monkeyas all get-out
as best one canas brown as a berryas close as an oyst…
as cross as two sti…as English as apple…as ever
as ever trod shoe-l…as far asas far as
as far asas far as one knowsas fine as Dick's h…
as foras good asas good as it gets
as good as one's wo…as happy as a larkas hard as a rock
as hungry as a hunt…as I was sayingas if
as ifas if there is no t…as if there was no …
as if there were no…as inas in
as isas it happensas it is
as it isas it isas large as life
as light as a feath…as like as notas long as
as long asas long asas loud as thunder
as luck may have itas luck would have …as much
as muchas muchas much
as much use as a ch…as much use as a ch…as of
as of lateas often as notas one does
as queer as Dick's …as she's as co…as sly as a fox
as soon asas soon asas soon as
as soon as is human…as the actress said…as the case may be
as the crow fliesAs the Crow Fliesas the day is long
as the fella saidas the fella saysas the next girl
as the next guyas the saying goesas the twig is bent…
as the wind blowsas they sayas tight as Dick's …
as toas true as a toucheras well
as wellas well asas well as
as well asas white as a sheetas yet
as yetas you doas you know
as you sow, so shal…asaltacunasasf
ash wednesdayashes to ashes, dus…ask after
ask aroundask forask for
ask forask forask for it
ask for the moonask inask me one on sport
ask my arseask outask round
ask roundask the questionask the question
asking for a friendasking for a friendasleep at the switch
Asleep at the Switchasleep at the wheelasphalt jungle
aspostaass into gearass over teakettle
ass over teakettleass-backwardsass-backwards
ass-backwardsass-backwardsassault and battery
assembly lineasspussyassume the mantle
assume the positionassume the positionat a canter
at a glanceat a lossat a loss for words
at a moment's noticeat a pinchat a pinch
at a standat allat all hours
at arm's lengthat arm's lengthat bay
at bayat bestat bottom
at cross purposesat cross-purposesat death's door
at each other's thr…at ease with nudityat first
at first blushat full tiltat hand
at handat handat heart
at homeat homeat home
at itat itat large
at largeat largeat last
at lastat latter lammasat loggerheads
at long lastat loose endsat odds
at oddsat onceat once
at one withat one's beck and c…at one's fingertips
at painsat peaceat peace
at peace withat peace withat places
at restat riskat sea
at seaat sixes and sevensat sixes and sevens
at sixes and sevensat someone's dispos…at stake
at thatat thatat the best of times
at the coal faceat the disposal ofat the drop of a hat
At The Drop of a Hatat the end of one's…at the end of one's…
at the end of one's…at the end of the d…at the end of the d…
at the end of the r…at the end of the r…At the End of Your …
at the feet ofat the feet ofat the helm
at the high portat the high portat the mercy of
at the momentat the momontat the push of a bu…
at the readyat the receiving endat the top of one's…
at the top of one's…at the very leastat the wheel
at the wheelat this point in ti…at times
at varianceat willat work
at workAthanasian wenchatom bomb
atomic cocktailatomic cocktailatta girl
attaboyattaboyattack is the best …
attagalattend toattend to
attention whoreattention whoreattic salt
au faitauction offaudi alteram partem
auld lang syneaunt floaunt fucker
aunt fuckeraunt sallyautem bawler
autem cacklerautem dipperautem diver
autem goglerautem mortautem quaver
auto fill formautumn romanceavant la lettre
avast there!average bearaverage joe
average outaverage upavoid like the plag…
avoir du pois layaw14await prince charmi…
AWALTaway gameaway with the fairi…
awesome possumawesome sauceawesome sauce
awesome sauceax to grinday up me duck
AYBABTUaye aye, sirAYT

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A bird in the hand is worth two in the ________.
A feather
B bush
C tree
D air