Found 914 phrases starting with R:


R&RRest and recuperation, rest and recreation, or rest and relaxation.Rate it:
R&RRock and roll.Rate it:
r.b atchuRight back at youRate it:
RAInitialism of rheumatoid arthritis.Rate it:
RAInitialism of Rescue Ambulance.Rate it:
RAInitialism of Restricted Area, an area that only authorized people can enter. See also Exclusion zone.Rate it:
RAInitialism of resident assistant, a trained student leader, within a college or university, who is given the responsibility of supervising students living in a residence hall.Rate it:
RAInitialism of rear admiral, a rank in the Royal Navy.Rate it:
RAInitialism of Royal Academician, a member of the Royal Academy.Rate it:
RAInitialism of right atrium.Rate it:
rabbitCaught like a rabbit in the headlights.Rate it:
rabbit holeA way into a bizarre world.Rate it:
rabbit holeUsed other than as an idiom: see rabbit, hole. (The entrance to) a rabbit warren or burrow.Rate it:
rabbit onTo talk for an exceedingly long time, annoying the audience.Rate it:
rabble rouserSomeone or something that tends to inspire mobs; something controversial or provocative.Rate it:
race against timeA situation in which something must be done hurriedly, by a deadline.Rate it:
race out of the trapsTo start something very quickly.Rate it:
race queenA glamorous model, part of the pit crew in Japanese motor racing.Rate it:
racing carfast vehicleRate it:
rack and ruinComplete destructionRate it:
rack offUsed other than as an idiom: see rack, off.Rate it:
rack offTo go away; to sod off.Rate it:
rack one's brainTo struggle to think of or remember something.Rate it:
rack upto arrange in a rackRate it:
rack upto gain (points etc.; in a game or sport)Rate it:
rack upto acquire, to gather together.Rate it:
rack upto defeat severely, to thrashRate it:
rag baggerA sailboat, usually a cruising sailboats which tend to carry and store lots of supplies along the deck, or any sailboat that looks like a neglected vessel, or messy vessel.Rate it:
rag baggerA sailor who tends to sail on messy cruising vessels.Rate it:
rag dollsoft toyRate it:
rag offTo finish by rolling a rag over a coat of paint or glaze.Rate it:
rag outTo dress up.Rate it:
rag the puckTo proceed slowly at any activity in order to use up time; to stall for time.Rate it:
rag the puckTo retain possession of the puck by skillful skating and stickhandling without attempting to score, as a deliberate tactic intended to use up time.Rate it:
rag-chewingA phrase used by morse code operators for a longer than usual conversation, generally a conversation extending about 30 minutes.Rate it:
rags to richesIn a biographical context, from poverty to exceptional wealth.Rate it:
rain cats and dogsTo rain very heavily.Rate it:
rain checkTo provide a service at a later date.Rate it:
Rain CheckA ticket stub that allows an individual to attend an event on behalf of a canceled one; a paper piece that allows someone to buy a sold-out product at discounted or sale price later onRate it:
rain checkIn social interactions, a polite way to turn down an invitation, with the implication one is simply postponing it and that another time would be acceptable.Rate it:
rain chequeAny postponement, especially of an offer.Rate it:
rain chequeAny voucher or note issued by a store to allow a customer to get a special or sale price later if an item is out of stock.Rate it:
rain dogs and catsTo rain very heavily.Rate it:
rain downto fall from the sky, as rainRate it:
rain downto appear inexplicablyRate it:
rain offto cancel (an event) due to excessive rainRate it:
rain on one's paradeTo spoil someone's celebration.Rate it:
rain on someone's paradeTo disappoint or discourage someone.Rate it:
Rain on Your ParadeSpoiling day of an individual, particularly regarding special plans, instances, performances, celebrations, etcRate it:
rain or shineRegardless of what the circumstances are, and how the weather is.Rate it:

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Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts _________.
A absolutely
B a lot
C a bit
D definitely