I thought you would like it based on the similarities and compatible theme between the two! I think you outdid me though with your more descriptive wording but l appreciate your reaction and kindness!
YES! YES! You came along with this shortly after I submitted my poem, "I Still See You (Dad)" which mirrors the theme here but on a more individual level. Feel free to check it out - but I love yours and is exactly how I feel!more »
Intriguing poet you are Charles. There is almost a comedic sarcasm infused here and yet, to me, it's almost as though this wouldn't be out of place amongst the classical poets.
Almost seems like this could be synthesized to become an alma mater for a school or college. Not sure how I missed this one but it hits on all cylinders... ~ Poetic brilliance!
Forgive me for bashfully admitting to my intention of meeting my incentivized comment quota but l also felt the need to drop some feedback on my friend (who l believe to be adept and accomplished at this poetry thing), so l’m killing two birds with one stone. This poem definitely can be taken and interpreted a multitude of ways but, in the end, it cuts to the quick of what hope is about. These types of poems should be drawn on for strengthening this very thing. “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies.”
This echoes what I think is, to some, just hinted to on the surface as they are largely asleep at the wheel. But, l hope you take this as a compliment, l truly feel like you - at least definitely as a poet -get it.more »
Darlene, thank you for the recognition -- but I’m not taking credit for being 1st runner-up. The runner-up order is actually randomized every time anyone views the results page, and I don’t honestly think I got more votes than the others. I’m telling people I was ‘4th runner-up’ just to average (and not leverage) it out.more »
Great poem carrying truth itself - and the envoi really reverberates. I’m partial to this one and you have so many more good ones to mine. Still planning to read another of your short stories as well! ~Jeffrey =>more »
I like the theme and the subject here. I do believe there is alot to be said about the bonds that form among those, as you aptly dub, ‘the fractured.’ This is believable to anyone who’s been through the trials.more »
This reminds me of stuff I wrote when I was an angry young man who had feelings towards activism and this sort of subject of oppressive authority. And also, you aren’t wrong.