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Recently Added Phrases Page #9

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rude awakening
an unforeseen discovery
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
how rude!
something said to emphasize or point out that someone has just said or done something rude
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
that's lame
that's bad; not as good as it could be or has been; not as good as is typical of others
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
beat someone at their own game
to win against someone who is good, better or best at something (not necessarily a literal game) or in their field
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
total package
everything someone would ever want; often used in reference to all the qualities someone would want in another person
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
all that and a bag of chips
everything one would want and more
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
make yourself pretty
improve the way you look i.e. get dressed (especially in something nicer than what you are already wearing), put on makeup, brush your hair, brush your teeth, etc; connotes that you are not pretty enough at this moment and that you should improve the way you look; an insult sometimes used intentionally (or unintentionally) to make someone feel inferior
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
gussied up
dress fancy; wear makeup; usually said to or about women
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
profusely confused; not knowing what to think or say; astonished
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
a state of being where one is profusely confused; unable to fathom; perplexed
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
astonished or extremely surprised
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
tongue twister
a phrase that if spoken repeatedly is difficult to say without making a mistake
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
rubber baby buggy bumpers
a tongue twister; a phrase that if spoken rapidly and repeatedly is difficult to say without making a mistake
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
a tongue twister; if spoken over and over this phrase is hard to say without making a mistake
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
outside the nine dots
refers to outside the box thinking;
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
flea in the jar
refers to futility
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
you know what you can do with it
a sarcastic way of expressing disgust to someone; akin to telling someone where to go
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
checks off all the boxes
meets all the criteria; usually said about what someone is looking for in a man or woman
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
put on your face
put on your makeup
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
dolled up
dress fancy; wear makeup; usually said to or about women
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
kin folk
relatives; people one is related to by blood or marriage
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
maiden voyage
The first journey made by a ship or spacecraft
added by bendix980
1 year ago
maiden voyage
The first journey made by a ship or spacecraft
added by bendix980
1 year ago
go for the gusto
To give your best; get everything out of life you can get; reach for the goal; have the best experience
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
fancy meeting you here
a greeting said when someone sees someone they didn't expect to see
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
of all the gin joints
an expression of astonishment (and possibly of good or bad luck) at a coincidence, especially of seeing someone somewhere unexpectedly; A shortened version of, "Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine."
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
why on god's green earth
"on God's green Earth" is used to add emphasis to the question "Why...?"; precedes the rest of the question while conveying that the speaker is astonished as to why some situation exists.
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
nickel and dime
a verb; the process of trying to extract small amounts of money (i.e. from someone, from people)
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
rinky dink
small; not well run; small time; unsuccessful
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
fine, thanks, and you?
short for "I'm fine, thanks. How are you?
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
that's a fine how do you do!
An expression said in disgust or in jest to someone who 1) did not greet you as expected 2) ignored you 3) did something undesirable instead of greeting you 4) insulted you 5) did something mean or uncaring
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
pig latin
A made up language often used as a way to speak in front of people (often children and often by parents) without them knowing what you are saying
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
am scray
The Pig latin way of saying scram; leave; get out of here
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
hari-kari (hara-kiri, harry carry)
suicide; to commit suicide; a less common spelling of hara-kiri; to slice oneself open with a ritual sword (a gross simplification of the actual Japanese expression)
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
To start crying a lot and/or loudly, either genuinely or in order to get attention
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
spend thrift
A person who spends money quickly, foolishly or indiscriminately; to waste money without regard of the consequences.
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
grand entrance
To enter a room or event with an as if you are a person of royalty or importance, either real or perceived (ie. by the person entering or by their peers at the event.
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
there you have it, folks
A tagline commonly used after someone ends a news piece, shows a clip of something, etc; often said at the conclusion of a piece of news, an explanation, a scenario, etc. signifying the end of it or like saying, "There, we brought it to you", "That's what happened" like a stamp off approval that "This is what we found"
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
full of prunes
when one is full of energy
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
bunged up
pronounced with a hard "G" sound, not a "j" sound; injured, mangled; usually used to mean a bodily injury; often said by small children and often with the word "all" in front of the phrase
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
piffle ding
a response given when someone doesn't believe what they just heard; also piffle (without the ding after it, for short);
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
check your attitude (at the door)
The speaker is warning the listener that their attitude may have adverse effects and advising that the listener change their attitude. Adding "at the door" at the end of this phrases means to leave your attitude outside/don't bring that attitude in here
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
wiener dog
another name for a Dachshund breed of dog; a long short-legged dog
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
dial it up/dial it down
dial it up is to increase or escalate tensions or volume (sound); dial it down is to decrease or de-escalate tensions or volume (sound)
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
dial it up/down
dial it up is to increase or escalate tensions or volume (sound); dial it down is to decrease or de-escalate tensions or volume (sound)
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
your actions speak so loudly that your words i cannot hear
When you say you know something yet you fail to act as if that knowledge were true, it shows you don't really know that something to be true; it essentially calls the person a hypocrite since they say one thing and do another; same as the phrase "To know and not to do is not to know"
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
to know and not to do is not to know
When you say you know something yet you fail to act as if that knowledge were true, it shows you don't really know that something to be true; it essentially calls the person a hypocrite since they say one thing and do another; same as the phrase "Your actions speak so loudly that your words I cannot hear"
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
Quando si decide di intraprendere il gioco d'azzardo online, la scelta basata esclusivamente sui bonus e sulle probabilità di vincita rappresenta il metodo peggiore. Tutti i casinò online offrono generosi bonus per attirare nuovi iscritti, poiché il marketing è progettato appositamente per attrarre nuovi giocatori.
added by besteonlinecasinoschweiz
1 year ago
every horse thinks its own pack heaviest
Everyone thinks their problems or burdens are worse than everyone else's. This phrase is a response to someone complaining or to someone complaining that they have it worse than others
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago
call (someone) out (on something)
to challenge or expose someone that has done or is doing the wrong thing or to say something they said or did isn't right or true
added by TriplePurple
1 year ago

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