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Recently Added Phrases Page #25

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not up to scratch
Not up to one’s expectations
added by anonymous
4 years ago
poser un lapin
Faire attendre quelqu'un en n'allant pas au rendez-vous fixé.
added by davidb
4 years ago
black ball
Stall, close ranks, make it impossible to make a break through
added by ntiyisos
4 years ago
heart pounding widly like a forest fire
His heart was beating very fast like a wildfire spreading
added by nnooobbbbggg
4 years ago
butter cup
A term of affection Or endearment for someone you like Buttercups are a large genus of flowering plants called Ranunculus. It has yellow, shiny petals, and grows wild in many places. It is poisonous to eat for humans and cattle, but when dry the poison is not active.
added by anonymous
4 years ago
אַ מענטש לעבט נישט אײביק,דאָס טיפּשות יאָ
A man doesn't live forever, stupidity yes
added by davidb
4 years ago
אַ קלאַפ פֿאַרגייט, אַ וואָרט באַשטייט
A blow passes, a word remains
added by davidb
4 years ago
one saving grace is...
The one thing that makes it different
added by anonymous
4 years ago
sibling rivalry
when brothers and/or sisters compete with each other, for affections of their parents or the feeling of superiority
added by anonymous
4 years ago
heart bursting with pride
Feeling very proud for someone or something.
added by anonymous
4 years ago
he has carno now.
He has been exposed to the caronda 19 virus.
added by sheetspaco35
4 years ago
so now!
This seems to be an early equivalent of "So there!"
added by kenorme1
4 years ago
real persimmons
added by anonymous
4 years ago
ponte las pilas
start working
added by anonymous
4 years ago
catch a break!
To receive or get lucky opportunity
added by anonymous
4 years ago
nothing to lose but their h's
Descriptive of people in England whose speech is proper or upper-class, but who are poor.
added by anonymous
4 years ago
hell of a ride
added by magemarine
4 years ago
that's a loaded question
Asked My partner if he wasn’t sexually attracted to me anymore since it’s been 3 months after getting back together after a breakup initially by him and no sexual experience in a total of 6 months.
added by anonymous
4 years ago
bat on a sticky wicket
To take action in unfavourable conditions.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
a bird of ill-omen
Someone who is always delivering bad news, or bringing bad luck.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
love is love
any couple is valid regardless of their sexuality or gender
added by ryan_1
4 years ago
beyond any shadow of a doubt
absolute, no alternatives.
added by anonymous
4 years ago
put not your trust in princes
A warning that men of power and influence can be just as fickle and unreliable as the rest of us.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
like a sphinx
An expressionless face which conceals a secret.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
smoking like a chimney !
this is used to describe a person who is chain smoker or smoking non stop.
added by KRISHCLASS707
4 years ago
when life gives you lemons
When trials are laid before you
added by anonymous
4 years ago
fit of fury
it means full of anger
added by anonymous
4 years ago
Of strong power
added by Satyag336
4 years ago
drop the pilot
To dismiss an expert adviser. A classic example was the dismissal of the German Chancellor, Bismarck, by Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1891.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
open and shut case
Simple situation; quick situation; clear-cut
added by anonymous
4 years ago
a stormy petrel
A person who is restless or turbulent, and who is likely to stir up trouble.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
as cross as two sticks
To be in a very bad temper.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
necessity knows no law
Someone who is desperate cannot be expected to obey the rules, or keep the law.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
as hungry as a hunter
To be very hungry. Hunters are presumed to be hungry because of the (often lengthy) time taken in order to catch their quarry.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
every man to his trade
Keep to your own job and don't meddle in other people's. We should all stick to what we are good at.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
kick over the traces
To throw off all restraint.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
more than flesh can stand
More than human nature can endure.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
a carpet-bagger
A candidate for election who has no roots or interest in the constituency he wishes to represent. The original meaning was a Unionist financier or adventurer who exploited the cheap labour in the American South after the Civil War. The carpet bags carried by these adventurers were made of carpet material.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
the gutter press
Newspapers that depend on scandal, sex and violence to promote their sales.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
die in harness
To continue to work until the day of one's death.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
as close as an oyster
Secretive; reluctant to give information.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
a bird of passage
Someone who never stays long in one place; a wanderer, like a swallow which migrates according to season.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
in fine feather
In splendid condition; lively and cheerful.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
as large as life
To appear in person.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
back in harness
To be restored to one's employment or office. Often said of someone returning to work after recovering from illness.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
make an honest penny
To make an honest living through hard work.
added by RobertHaigh
4 years ago
not the brightest bulb in the chandelier
There are more intelligent (i.e. brighter) people in the room or in existence generally.
added by Greying_Geezer
4 years ago
a few bulbs short of a chandelier
Dim-witted, not too bright. The "of" is included optionally.
added by Greying_Geezer
4 years ago
practise makes a man perfect
Do more practice and hard work to gain something that you want....
added by anonymous
4 years ago
grey sky
To show worry or pain.
added by anonymous
4 years ago

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